Resource Management Good Water Usage Conservation Essays     Eco-Solutions


George Washington: The Composter of Our Country

Everyone knows that George Washington was the father of our country, but how many people can claim to know that he was one of our nation's first dedicated composters. As archaeological excavations at Mount Vernon have revealed, Washington was a pioneer of progressive farming, who constantly experimented on how to make the soil at his estate more fertile. more...

George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver, was a leader in American resource conservation. Few people in history practiced the idea of thrift by conservation better than George Washington Carver; his philosophy was "Throw nothing away, everything can be used again." Many knew Carver as the "peanut man" because he transformed this legume into a major agricultural product, but few recognized his greater achievements. more...

Tribute to a Trail Blazer

Long faded now from world view, Pauline Betz Addie once paved the way for women's tennis as a professional sport and understood the secret of transforming her losses into triumph. In the late 1940s, the world's best woman tennis player was not allowed to play tennis. more...

White Heart

Once there was a young shepherd girl, Blanca, who lived atop a beautiful mountain in Morocco. She loved her job of tending sheep, especially at night, because she loved the stars. Each night, Blanca would sing and dance. Doing so filled her heart with hope and joy. Unlike his daughter, who was happy even though she lacked money and possessions, Blanca's father was a sad man. more...

Awe's Earth Heart Quest

There was once a little Asian girl named Awe Tzu, whose name meant Grace. She lived alone with her sickly mother. Since she was very young, Awe had learned to use everything they had. It was no accident that the letters in Awe's name spelled Awaken With Earth, because she loved to roll and play in the dirt and even sleep on the bare ground. more...

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