Conservation Essays
Green Tennis is Cool!
A few years ago I walked into the International Tennis Hall of Fame carrying a huge Forest Hill trophy celebrating four national championship wins. I asked the receptionist, "I bought this at a thrift store. Is it worth anything?" I was delivering some donated trophies for my dear friend and mentor, Pauline Betz Addie, a former World Champion. more...
Hope with Less vs. Hopeless
To sustain ourselves each day we may plant seeds of hope. Doing so, offers us the power to refresh ourselves from the mental despair we daily have to endure. There are many threats to our world. There are many ways we can be destroyed. Whether it is widespread avian virus killing billions, or an asteroid destroying us, there are numerous possibilities threatening our demise. Whatever the future brings, we have one profound choice regarding ourselves. Either we can be self destructive, or we can be constructive. more...
Reverence for Our Connection
Just the simple act of conserving has a tremendous ripple effect. We can further enjoy life by more compassionate relationships with people, plants, animals, bugs, rocks since we all rely on all things to survive. As guests on this precious earth we may chose either to respect or disregard our delicate world. Can we as a people have the courage to find how we can best make this visit enjoyable? more...
Less Gas: Let's Pray to Become Cool!
Do you think global warming is another example of Chicken Little freaking out? Can we ignore not just the facts but how many of us deeply feel. Major ecological, economic and social consequences may result in such things as increased storms, flooding, droughts and decreased food production according to both Pentagon and insurance companies. We are finding that we met the enemy and it is us! Americans can reduce global warming by three-quarters by taking steps such as establishing strict energy and fuel efficient standards. more...
Recovering Our Nation's Capitol
Over a quarter of a century ago, I had a dream as the District's first recycling coordinator. Prosperity and ingenuity are interrelated. Waste in DC can be utilized once we all better manage the bountiful forms of liquid, solid, gaseous, human, and other resources that are neglected. In the nation's capital, the city government knows exactly where your car is parked. But this town consumes more and knows less where the things it consumes end up than any other American city. This will change. more...
Copyright Rob Arner - All Rights Reserved.